[How To Build Self-Confidence in A Child?]
Kids who have confidence in themselves are more likely to become a proactive students and do not afraid to try new things. Thus, it is important for a young child to build self-confidence so that they can learn and absorb much more.
How to build self-confidence in a child?
- Praise wisely
Praise is a fundamental thing parents should do to their child as it can boost up the child’s self-esteem. However, if praising is done wrongly, it can be damaging to the child. Overpraising can lead to over confident. Over confident child will become laid back and no spirit to become better thinking he/she is already “the best” and may also tend to look down on others. Praise appropriately according to the child’s effort. When he/she had failed, instead of say “You have done a great job”, say, “I know you had put a lot of effort, you can try again next time.”
2. Let them make choice
Giving your children to make their own choice can lift up their confidence. But, remember to let them make choice of what is suitable with their maturity and to let them face the consequences of their choices. For a preschooler, let them choose what attire they would like to wear on that day (make sure it is appropriate). If it is cold outside and he/she still wants to wear short t-shirt and pants, let it be. They will learn from the mistakes and will make a better choice next time. A child who never had opportunity to make choices will become a passive person and afraid to explore new things.
3. Let them help around the house
Kids love responsibility. It make them feel powerful and needed. Don’t hesitate to ask for your child to help with the house chores that is appropriate with their age and ability. Put dirty clothes in washing machine, clean the table after a meal and set the table before meal are what a preschooler is capable to do. For an older child, let them wash the dish, sweep the floor and throw garbage outside the house. They are sure love their ‘’job’’. A child who feel needed will always confident of themselves. Remember, don’t make house chores as a punishment because they will hate to do them.
4. Encourage them pursue interest
Every child is special and has their own interest. Some child are great at a thing and not so good in other thing. Giving opportunity for the child to show what he/she loves and good at will raise their confident level. If your child love colouring, encourage he/she to sign up for a colouring competition. Let them feel they are special and has talent too.
5. Show love unconditionally
Eventhough your child had choose wrongly and failed, let them know that you always love them and always there for them. Support from their loved ones will help them to raise up from the failure and strive to become better in the future.